Want To Generate Steady Streams Of Great applicants,
all while saving thousands?

need to convert more qualified applicants, REDUCE Ghosting...and Hire More of the right ones?

​Want to build "iron-fence" retention programs that keep your best happy, loyal and employed, long-term?

The Lab Can Make This Happen For You...

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Lab Founder, Leigh Davis

A recruitment and retention pioneer, Leigh has spent the last 30 years researching, testing and developing the Art, science & psychology of successful recruitment, Conversion and retention.

The creator of multiple proprietary processes including recruitment story-telling, Applicant Automation and the recruitment variables/Drivers model. Year after year, Leigh's radically unique solutions outperform typical industry methods and KPIs. 

whether it's helping Agencies and facilities attract more AND better applicants, Slashing ghosting or creating "iron fence" retention programs - his Magnetic strategies super-charge recruitment, staffing...and retention results.  LEARN MORE ABOUT LEIGH...

My Advisors Help You Achieve These Types of Results...

"We are prepared to put a pause on using Davis Delany at this time. We are in a position where we have a surplus of CGs on staff and need to currently focus on other areas of the business…
Thanks all your help over the last few months, "

Grady – Home Instead

"Ok, uncle! We are getting way too many applications to sort for this job – can we pause it so we can catch up? "


"We FINALLY found the right fit for our Recruiter position! Fun fact: she was the first to apply to the newest job ad you posted last Wednesday!! "

Tricia - GM - Home Instead

"The part I failed to tell you is that an applicant came in and said, "After seeing the ad, I had to apply." She will be trained tomorrow. "


"Job Post Masters has been a great tool to help us engage caregivers. Our posts are of better quality and we have certainly being posting more frequently… "

Hilary - Director of Operations - Home Instead

"Your help was valuable and we have plenty of applicants. It was a great success for us. "

Ora - Comfort Keepers

"So, we have been posting your job ads for a little over a month now and we had to tap leadership to assist in screening all the applicants.

It’s just great.

AND my Indeed budget is significantly smaller!

More with less.

Super grateful. I just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know."


"We have been getting a steady stream of applicants and are pleased with the response. We’ve also brought in an HR assistant who is great. So with you, and our team, we’ve just been kicking butt on the recruitment side.

Keep up the great work guys.  "


"We have seen an incredible increase in applicants from Indeed since having the team w Leigh Davis “work their magic” on our job postings themselves and then posting them directly (outside of Hireology) on Indeed. 

To be honest I do not completely understand how they do what they do and all of the inner workings of the algorithms that Indeed uses but I guess I don’t need to know all of that so long as the results are there.   "

Jeff - BrightStar Care

"It is with much enthusiasm that I am writing you this letter regarding your company Davis + Delany…. The Recruitment Lab!

Recruiting caregivers on a daily basis is not only a chore on its own, especially during these unprecedented times, I must say, Leigh your coaching and mad scientist recruiting remedies have totally allowed us not only to recruit better and keep up with our demand for caregivers but has also helped us to save a ton of money by thinking out side the box when it comes to recruiting and the approach.

In just a few short weeks after we started with your company, we went from chickens with our heads cut off to full blown beautiful peacocks!!

I am very thankful I ran across your company that takes great pride in helping homecare companies increase the value of their recruiting program! "

Mark - Visiting Angels

"Finished my One on One training with Leigh and it was really motivating.  

He gave me small, practical tweaks that I can implement immediately to improve my ad quality, thus attracting more candidates.  

We didn’t just discuss wording changes but the logic and rationale behind those changes and how these tweaks will best address my current recruiting challenges.  

Leigh had done his homework when it came to A Better Solution In Home Care - WA so we didn’t waste time talking about adjustments that I was already implementing,  

At the end of our session I felt re-invigorated and I am actually looking forward to writing my next ad.

He also got my “juices flowing” on ways to implement a few Advancement and Promotions programs that would be of value to caregivers down the line and would increase our talking points during the screening and interviewing process.   "

Lanessa - A Better Solution In-Home Care

"I hope you had a good weekend.

I am writing to let you know we hired someone for the Recruiter position!

Thank you for such a creative job post!

The candidate actually took the initiative to look at our existing job post and complemented what she saw.

We quickly let her know that is all your genius!

We also have a promising candidate for the Staffing/Scheduler role. I will keep you updated on hiring for that as well. "

Michala - Assisting Hands

"I would like to thank you again for your time on Tuesday. Your industry knowledge is outstanding and the specific details you shared about effective recruiting was truly amazing. 

As I mentioned, I took 3 pages of notes and have already started rewriting our job postings. 

I am excited to see the improved results over the next few weeks.  You also shared great ideas regarding our interview questions and more importantly, how to ask the questions—just terrific!

Thank you again for sharing your wisdom---I really appreciate it. "

Adam - Family Ties Home Care

"I was asked to share my experience with your company with another Visiting Angels office a moment ago. 

I told them that you have been extremely easy to work with, super communicative and efficient, very proactive and knowledgeable. 

Your predecessor was, too.  Whenever there is a transition, it can be shaky, but I felt it went very smoothly which is not easy.      "

Koh - Visiting Angels

"I wanted to share my testimonial from our call after testing out your job posting advice:  

After our call together, I immediately created a new job posting template to work from and posted a few jobs in line with Leigh's advice.

We've already seen an increase in the number of candidates in a matter of days, without losing out on quality!

Thank you so much for your help and I look forward to seeing how this job posting strategy helps in the long run!"

Isabel - ComForCare

"Thanks for your insights regarding our Indeed ad campaign!

The approach we discussed resonates, as it is focused on the applicant instead of who we are as an agency.

Applying this is a key shift that should remove that monotony that almost all other employment ads, have. Thanks for taking the time to explain this to me in a way that I could understand.

We will let you know the results! "

Terry - Visiting Angels

"I just wanted to drop you a quick note to thank you for the time you spent with us today. Not only was it an absolute pleasure speaking with you, but the information you have given us is greatly appreciated and so valuable.

I have written my first ad already and plan to write as many as I can, using this framework.

Recently it’s been like banging our heads against a brick wall and watching our hard work deteriorating, I feel a new energy and optimism following todays session.

All the very best to you and once again thank you. "

Mike & Jo

"As an agency owner, one of the issues that keeps me up at night is attracting and retaining quality caregivers. After just one meeting with Leigh Davis, an industry expert on caregiver recruitment and retention, my anxiety about this issue has dramatically decreased!

After reviewing our recruitment and retention programs, Leigh had a unique perspective of our recruitment challenges and outlined some potential solutions that I never considered before!

Many of these solutions deviate from the industry norm, but make sense for our problem.

What is most exciting is these proven solutions can be implemented


I look forward to working with Leigh to implement these solutions which will ultimately help grow my business.

Thank you Leigh for transforming my thinking about the ways to solve the caregiver challenge!   "

Amma - Visiting Angels

1 Client's Indeed results "Before"
our services & "After". 
results are typical.


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A Trained Recruitment Expert becomes a part of your team, does the work for you and generates a steady stream of applicants Monday - Friday

Automated Recruitment (Engagement, Screening, Scheduling, Reminders AND RETENTION) automatically done-for you.

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